100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Not satisfied, money back!

At Webvantage, we do everything we can to have satisfied customers. So much so that we guarantee 100% satisfaction! Are you not satisfied with the result? Then you simply get your money back.

Conditions of satisfaction guarantee:

  • Up to a maximum amount of €1,000
  • Valid up to 60 days after signing the agreement
  • Only valid for items made by Webvantage itself. Not for things made -by third parties such as purchased templates and extensions
  • After reimbursement, the service will be discontinued. Purchased third-party applications will be sent to you.
  • You can use the satisfaction guarantee once per purchase
  • The satisfaction guarantee is not transferable and can only be used for what has been agreed according to the offer
  • With search engine optimization: only valid if the agreed objective has not been achieved (e.g. 5 search terms on the first page of Google.nl)
  • The general terms and conditions apply